Saturday Morning Cartoons

Just in time for 'em with a new Warpaint:

Man. Typing up that title brings back a warm squishy wave (or at least a mild slosh) of nostalgia (kinda sounded like I was talking about some sort of unusual fluid problem), remembering trying to drag my elementary school weary husk out of bed early enough to catch Saturday morning gems like Exosquad and The Tick. All while cramming my face with over sugared balanced breakfasts and toy commercials.

Where have all the good cartoons gone? And I mean those bizarre-high-drama-but-still-made-for-kids-and-to-sell-action-figures shows like Batman: The Animated Series, or X-men. Have all the Westerners been replaced by Anime? Maybe their like still exist and I'm suffering from a bout of Ignorance brought on by an extended lack of cable TV.

Maybe it's time to call Time Warner, purchase a box of Capt'n Crunch, find couch and a TV somewhere.

... Sort of makes my next stop sound like prison, actually.


Colours Are Magic

And I have proof:

It looks like there will finally be an update schedule I can commit to (who says dudes are incapable of such feats as this) thanks to Eric - weaving his magic wand all over the dry erase board and whatnot.

Mondays and Wednesdays will see new Nocturnal Transmissions comics (as soon as we inject some pigment into the old hags) - huzzah!
