Happy Thanksgiving! Barbaric Development Update

Hail and Happy Thanksgiving, barbarian, to all who slay, eat, drink, and be merry today!

The battle rages on with porting Savage over to GMS2. I have encountered many pitfalls and speedbumps along the way, but the porting process is nearly complete, with only a few remaining locations left to fully re-tile and bring up to full GMS2-functional, as well as cleaning up some GMS1 to GMS2 compatibility scripts.

Along the way, I have taken the opportunity to do things like very basic room rebalance where the need strikes, like repositioning enemies, adding new ones, or taking away, as well as adding save rooms or NPC locations.

I have run into plenty of scenarios, also, where tiles are missing, or they were incorrectly placed - mistakes from the previous version of the game. In other words, I get to do some light polish as I hack and slash my way through this GMS2-porting nightmare.

I've also been leveling up my GMS2 skills, incorporating things like the tileset brush feature into my workflow (along with a ton of other quality of life features I've been picking up along the way), which will wind up being a MASSIVE time saver when creating the remaining locations from scratch.

Once the game is fully GMS2-compliant, it's off to the fast track with new content (including the (very) long awaited map system - the new GMS2 room cleaning is needed before I can release an update with the map system). I am most likely going to be cutting some planned content, reserving it for some post-release updates, and rearranging existing content (especially in dungeons and locations that are FAR TOO big, for pacing reasons) to reach a 1.0.

That's where I'm at with the game currently, and those are my plans immediately following completing what's left of the GMS2-ification.

Just wanted to check in with you, let you know what's going on, and wish you a Happy Autumn and Happy Thanksgiving!

Barbaric Thanksgiving Tavern Brawl

